S.F. gay pride parade mixes zaniness, seriousness
Optimism marks annual event following key legal victories

Reynolds Holding, Chronicle Staff Writer

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San Francisco's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride Parade, a celebration of brash camp and inclusive labels, rollicked through the heart of the city Sunday, propelled by bare-chested Tinkerbells, grinning politicians and fresh optimism born of a landmark legal triumph just days ago.

While conceding nothing to the zany nature of past pride parades, this 33rd version carried an unusual sense of the serious issues that accompany being gay. For every chaps-clad rodeo queen came a sign-toting advocate for same-sex marriages. For every dyke on a bike, an activist demanding gay civil rights.

And for the first time in a long time, they could crow about major victories. A domestic-partners bill is coursing through the state Legislature, on June 10 a Canadian court legalized gay marriage, and last week the U.S. Supreme Court struck down criminal prohibitions on sodomy.

The only sour note came when a half-dozen people tried to attack San Francisco Supervisor Gavin Newsom as he rode in the parade. They were arrested before reaching Newsom, and the incident failed to mar the celebration. For the most part, though, it was a joyous event.

"This is my favorite weekend of the year in the first place, but this is a very special year," declared Seth Adams, who traveled from the East Bay to watch the parade with his goddaughter and a friend. "The (Supreme) Court finally got it right and got out of people's bedrooms."

It was a theme that rippled through gay pride celebrations across the United States on Sunday. Organizers of the Atlanta Pride Festival attributed record attendance of 300,000 to the legal ruling. Hundreds of thousands of revelers in New York and Seattle also greeted the historic decision with joy.


In San Francisco, police estimated that as many as 750,000 people lined Market Street to watch the nation's best-known pride parade as more than 180 floats, bands and other contingents proceeded toward Civic Center.

The spectacle thundered to life about 10 a.m. in the traditional manner, with hundreds of motorcycles ridden by the Women's Motorcycle Contingent -- the "Dykes on Bikes" -- pouring off Beale Street onto Market Street. Greeted by their gay brethren's cries of "Here come the girls!" the leather-clad and occasionally bare-chested riders whooped and yelled and carried signs saying: "We all deserve freedom to marry" and "We had sodomy for breakfast."

They were followed by several gentlemen on scooters, a flock of bicycle riders -- one nude -- and scores of cheerleaders who rendered the crowd breathless by hurling their members high in the air.

San Jose's Peter Hilton, a pride-parade veteran since 1980, watched with delight as he reflected on the differences from past parades.

"The Supreme Court decision has really pulled the community together," he said. "You don't know how proud I am to feel included."


The political messages were plentiful and pointed, focusing largely on gay rights and the war in Iraq.

Many marchers carried signs saying, "Support AB205 Domestic Partner Rights, " a reference to the same-sex marriage bill that passed the state Assembly earlier this month and is under consideration in the Senate. One participant strolled by with a pink ice chest labeled, "Weapons of mass celebration," while truckloads of protesters denounced President Bush as a liar and worse.

Perhaps the most spectacular display was a rainbow flag that appeared to be several blocks long. As scores of marchers carried it by the edges down Market Street, spectators tossed coins onto its surface for luck.


Organizers hoped this year's parade would carry a heavy political flavor, and they dedicated it to one of the gay community's biggest political icons, former San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk, the first openly gay candidate elected to public office in California. Milk and Mayor George Moscone were assassinated in their City Hall offices 25 years ago this November.

In keeping with the political theme, the politicians turned out in droves. They were led by Mayor Willie Brown, beaming in a baby-blue fedora and shirt, yellow slacks and green-plaid jacket, perched on the back of an old black Jaguar convertible. The officials close behind included California Board of Equalization Chairwoman Carole Migden, Assemblyman Mark Leno, City Attorney Dennis Herrera and Supervisors Tom Ammiano, Aaron Peskin, Sophie Maxwell and Gavin Newsom.

Newsom attracted unwanted attention during the parade as five women and a man, wearing black clothes and pink bandannas, shouted threats and tried to attack the supervisor while he passed in a red Thunderbird. Police say they arrested the suspects, and Newsom, uninjured, continued down the parade route without further incident.

No other problems were reported, according to police, and the crowd seemed thoroughly delighted.


"This is fabulous, better than fireworks," said Ilene Fruitman, a Michigan native who claims her state has the best fireworks displays in the nation.

Although David Worthy, who lives in San Diego and last attended the gay pride parade in 1979, believed the earlier edition "had more entertainers and disco," he was still impressed by Sunday's version.

"With the Supreme Court ruling, there's a new seriousness this year," he said. "And that means a lot to me because my (domestic) partner and I have spent 23 years together."

San Francisco Chronilcle
Monday, June 30, 2003

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